Sunday, July 31st
It was two weeks into getting to know Exceptional. We were moving kinda fast, but I was loving it. I woke up watching him. I literally pitched myself, I was in disbelief that I spent several nights and mornings with someone I adored. So, you know I had India.Arie Beautiful Surprise in my head.
He made coffee and we sat in the living room reading the New York Times. (we did this often, it was the BEST) I think we discussed the AIDS crisis in the prison system. We showered and dressed for the day's activities.
It was the day of the REVIVAL! Victory Over Spiritual Violence Through Grace at Riverside Church sponsored by GMAD. I swear to goodness brother Keyon Farrow organized one of the best events I've attended this year. You just felt the love as soon as you walked into the church. Exceptional introduced me to several of his friends. During the program, I got a little choked up and he affectionately rubbed my back and asked if I was ok. At that point, I really wanted to let the tears fall, but I sucked it up, LOL. I felt a growth between our mutual admiration for each other.
Afterwards, two of his friends accompanied us to a great Chinese restaurant some where on the Upper West Side. I noticed another facet of him that I didn't know about, how he interacted with others. He was too cute! I was very quiet, which is normal when I meet new people. He asked several times, "are you ok?" I just smiled. You know that smile when you raise your eye brows, yeah that one... I swear my Kool-Aid Smile was SWEET, LOL!
I had wanted to have a drink with Redd, so we took a cab to Luke & Leroys. We held hands in the cab. Anyone who knows me knows I'm (was) paranoid when it comes to public displays of affection, but something was taking over me.
Exceptional had to take a business call. So, I went in and chilled with Redd for a minute. Redd and I had shots of Tequila and a Long Island ice tea. I started to get loose, LOL! I told Redd how much I was truly starting to like Exceptional. He was sincerely happy for me! The alcohol was starting to make me a little sleepy cause the night before.. y'all don't need to know about all that... anyhow, we left Lukes and why did I want to... umm, yeah, we not even going to get into all of that.. but we caught a cab and he held me.
I didn't even think one second to take his arms off me. As we road in the cab on seventh avenue, people started to look at us and I didn't even give a darn. (that shyt felt Tony the Tiger GGGGGRRREEEEAAAATTTT!)
When we entered the apartment, we gave each other slick smiles... i'm talking slick.. I'll never forget the smile on Exceptional's face. And yeah.. this is a PG:13 blog so I can't get into the rest.
So I woke up the next morning and decided to kill off my old blog. I told myself that day, "You've grown and it's time to take the next step."
Dang! That was a great day for me!