The Unconquerable Soul

Though one should conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, he who conquers his own self, is the greatest of all conquerors! ~ Gautama Buddha

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Support Brother Foxx even if the rumors aren't true

NBC is not doing any marketing & publicity on Jamie's Music Special on NBC because he stood his ground and wouldn't have any white guest as they requested. To make it even worse he had two controversial guest stars, that do not fit the "NBC profile" on his show. Tune in to find out who they are. They are purposely putting his show up against the second week of American Idol in hopes that it will fail. This will give them the excuse to never give another black person a music special because "it doesn't work". Let's show them that it does work, and that we support each other. Tivo Idol, and watch Jamie. I saw the taping, it is a good show.

J Foxx making history on NBC. This is the first time NBC has ever aired an entire young urban African American cast on a music special. We need to show support. This was not an easy sell for Jamie and he stood his ground to make it happen the way he saw fit.

JAMIE FOXX MUSIC SPECIAL WILL BROADCAST WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25TH @ 8:00PM PST on NBC. PLEASE MAKE IT A POINT WATCH! There will be surprise special guests... i have a couple of events going on.. but i'm leaving my tv on... LOL you can TOO!

don't forget i'm still accepting questions!

well the rumors are false.. but i still say lets support a brotha


Blogger LUVIN ME said...

I will have my TV on for that as well. Gotta support US in anyway I can!

January 24, 2006 1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To whom it may concern;
I am curious to know why i can't find anything else about this said controversy on the internet, or any other 'entertainment rag mag' either. Except, for verbatim repost of the same CHAIN LETTER, floating around the internet...and on private blog's without further confirmation. I am not doubting that media giants, such as NBC, make strong efforts to align a show with the types of images/values they espouse and, ideally what the market wants to see. But, if they are 'raping' Mr. Foxx of his true potential under racist pretense, then why is there no effort presented by him (or his publicist), even on his own website, to counter this move by the network.

What is funny, however, is that what is rampant all over the internet about this man, is how he is a dickhead/jackass to people 'beneath him' - tipping at restaurants and bars large sums of money in small 1,000 one dollar bills per se. Now, that is some bad publicity he should be concerned of. Personally, through events such as this and previous exposure to his 'buffoonery' i am not a strong fan of this celebrity...i, however, do respect his talent.

Do i believe Jamie wanted some controversial guest on? Yes...he is Jamie Foxx. Do i believe NBC looked at his lineup and questioned his intent? Yes, but that is show business. (I am sorry Mr. Foxx, no Naked Ghetto Booty Midgets with Hula Hoops of Fire). Conversely, if you go to NBC's website...his special is the largest advertisement on the home page, along with Fear Factor and other staple shows of the NBC network. The Olympic Games do not even receive such marquee treatment.

I am concerned by this, because it thus makes this attempt 'to get out the message' seem like nothing more than a meager and underhanded attempt to save money by Jamie Foxx and the Network on advertisement, essentially making this a dubious chain letter, designed to incite a particular audience to watch his special under false pretense of black pride...that is a shame. Further, this is not beyond the scope of any marketing exec., hell, if i were in the industry and had no morals (which is required to survive in the industry), i would do this too.

And it isn't a surprise that they would schedule his show against the ratings behemoth American Idol...that is what Hollywood does, put two giants against each other to draw ratings...Jamie Foxx is a critically acclaimed award winning entertainer, it makes perfect sense to put him on when most people are watching television, so the odds are that there will be more viewership all around and potentially the greatest market share available.

The last part of this initiative to give me great pause is the Chain Letter itself...First, it reads like an advertisment..."two controversial guest, TUNE IN TO FIND OUT WHO THEY ARE" ...give me a break...i mean it goes deep in the way of explaining how NBC is not advertising this man's show. How NBC is a racist multimedia outlet with little regard for Mr. Foxx, his talents, and fans. It claims that NBC and he are at odds over artistic license. But then at the end of the provides the link: to an NBC webpage, providing information about this man's show. Why are we being sent to NBC's website? I find this to be, at least, contradictory, if not ironic. What is going on?

This is just a sample of what was on the internet about Jamie Foxx: (here one can only find, further un-verified op-ed pieces and cut and paste versions of the same chain letter)

if there was any mention of his show at all, it was positive and provided show time information...nothing about the controversy ANYWHERE...

Before i blindly accept anything, it would be nice to know is there further proof to this man's plight than some internet banter...

Again, I am not trying to discount the man and his abilities...i am just very cautious of people, in an effort to propel ulterior motives, by employing and taking advantage of black power, rage, history, and community (like the Democratic Party). If this is true, i will be the first one to eat my hat and to admit my caution was without merit and rally as many people as i can against this racist abuse of power. Otherwise, i am watching "Lost".

Good Day...

January 24, 2006 3:00 PM  
Blogger antneya said...

Imma have go with Anonymous on this one..I think this is a ploy by Jamie Foxxs PR people to get more viewers to watch the show...the truth is that American Idol will dominate anything in its path..just truth and also I dont know about any of you but I dont have a Nielsens Box in my home which tracks what your watching which indicates the total amount of people viewing any particular show at that time.

"Controversial Guest"...but we have to turn in to see who it is...but yet this person was at the taping and can not say who it is...hmmmmmm weird.

...nothing against Jamie but I am not a fan so I wasnt going to watch anyway.

January 24, 2006 6:11 PM  
Blogger admin said...

I also believe this email is a rumor that spread too quick. I am not a big fan of Jamie as a singer, but I am a fan of American Idol. That's an easy call.

January 25, 2006 5:15 PM  

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